Mark Beech

2021-02-14: Hello world!

So it would seem I have a shiny new blog, which does seem to pose the question of why? and what will I be doing with it?

Why you ask?

The main reason is because I can. I needed to set up a MySQL service for something else and decided I might as-well get my money’s worth by using it for WordPress at the same time, also having my own WordPress site would help me with testing things in a controlled environment when solving problems with client’s sites.

So that is the why taken care of, what about the what?

For that we must find a vaguer answer, as I simply do not know.

It is fine to start with grand ambitious plans, but it is with those plans that most blog die, so I’m hoping for something more organic. I’m not going to make any promises, or commit to a certain update scheduled, or certain topics. I’ll post intermittently, if I feel like it – and if I get any readers then I will be very much surprised.